
Dear Lord, I don't know what to say. Moe was kind enough to drop me a line today to let me know what happened. I am so sorry. Sorry for John, his family, and the lot here. I really didn't know John very well other than what conversations we had here on the boards in the early days, and the discussions we had as he took over the site, but I can say from what I know he was a great guy, had a ton of friends, and had a heart big enough for everything involved in keeping this site going for everyone, and I know it's a lot. I've informed Moe to let me know what I can do to make sure things keep cooking here, and I'll be happy to do so.

Best Regards, Robert

Thanks Robert, turning the reins over to the Good Friar way back when, will be for ever appreciated,and your help now will be greatly be appreciated as well I'm sure by all.