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Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
brindle #538637 06/07/2012 6:54 PM
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When is the next ride/event?

I was thinking (even though I can't be present, being on the other side of the planet) that something like a patch might be an idea?

Been working on something... it's still very crude and unfinished but would it be something that members would be interested to sport in showing our appreciation?

Sorry to be a pain, but instead of being round would it be possible to get that done in the shape of a bulldog, or maybe around a bulldogs neck?

"Big" Jack Wilson Mishawaka,IN. 2010 Thunderbird
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
hill8586 #538638 06/07/2012 6:56 PM
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My first thought on hearing this awful news was
Oh crap, Friar had a heart attack.
As others said, at least he went out with his boots on,
doing what he loved. I can't think of anything else to say,
except to echo what has already been said.
RIP Good Friar!
Uncle Charlie

Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
unclecharlie #538639 06/07/2012 7:43 PM
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Dont know what to say here,our prayers go out to his family and friends.Very sad to hear this news its such a shock to see a fellow ride go down.

RIP John............

Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
Dwight #538640 06/07/2012 8:25 PM
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HELL Ian, when YOU(okay, and I) first started posting here, YOU(okay, and I again) would "go at it" with just about EVERYBODY 'round here, DUDE!!!


I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains.
Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
The_Dog33 #538641 06/07/2012 8:38 PM
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Most of my PM's to Friar were:
Why don't lay off the Dog?
Why don't you tell Dwight to STFU?

I love all you folks, and am sorry I
didn't get a chance to meet John
face to face. I wanted to.

Uncle Charlie

Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
unclecharlie #538642 06/07/2012 8:50 PM
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Like eddy, I had no plans to ride yesterday. Not out of fear but a lack of motivation. A buddy called me around 9:30 last night and asked if I was up for a midnight cruise, I don't hear from him that often & took it a needed prod. We rode until 2 am and all I thought of during the ride was John, his wit and how the last thing he would do is park the bike. As stated before, I had not met John in person, We had a lot of PM's here and on facebook...he was a first class guy who could smell ****** a mile away, my kind of guy. My heart goes out to all of his family and those fortunate to have shaken the mans hand.
Rest in Peace Friar John.

I'm up to contribute to flowers & will proudly wear any patch designed.

Ride like you mean it.
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
Donny #538643 06/07/2012 8:56 PM
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This has been so sad to hear. Mary and I have been waiting to hear if John and Devon would be here Friday or Saturday on their way home,or would have to bypass us. John and I have been PMing and it sounded like they would make it.

I feel as if I have lost a friend, a friend I have never met in person but a friend none the less.

Devon, if you are still on the road and could use a place to stay on the way home we are in Star, Id. Phone 208-286-0135, Cell 208-484-2683. You are welcome here.


Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
The_Dog33 #538644 06/07/2012 9:30 PM
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I was just looking around at some of the things he did and does. Take that little 10n yr anniversary in the banner at the top of the page that he also made. I was just looking at another thread where he had fixed the pictures someone had tried to post and got the address wrong. It got me thinking and in addition to that special place for him that bulldog avatar he loved so much should be incorporated as well. The home page banner has a black area to the far left I think might be a good spot for it if that can be done.

That was my thread about my new TBird where Friar fixed the link, a small gesture that says volumes about the person.

I couldn't agree more that his Avatar should be permanantly incorporated into the website design in a tasteful manner.


ArGee 14 Thunderbird LT Wasn't sure if Red or Black was faster, so I got a Red & Black one...
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
ArGee #538645 06/07/2012 9:43 PM
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I'm sadden to hear of John's passing. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

Sono qui per la birra
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
ArGee #538646 06/07/2012 9:44 PM
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An irreplaceable member of our community. I was looking forward to riding with him again. Most of our time together not riding he spoke proudly of the friends he had made from this site. Understanding how most of us feel, my heart goes out to those who knew him primarily off of the internet.


Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
ArGee #538647 06/07/2012 9:44 PM
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I can add nothing to what has been so eloquently said already except, ride on Brother, ride on!

RIP Friar, you will not be forgotten.

Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
Zmilin #538648 06/07/2012 10:08 PM
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Hello to all,

I have just been informed of this terrible news from Dave Bernie on FB. I have been preparing for my trip to the U.S. to meet and stay with my friend Eddy (who I met here) and to ride and share in the brotherhood the Midwest Rally has to offer.

My apologies therefore for being so late in passing on my condolances as we share the grief all of us are feeling with the passing of one of the Stalwarts of this site.

John or Friar was IMHO what this site in essence represented to me, friendship, help and assistance whenever possible, guidance in whatever capacity he could and simply all those factors that this site is now and which subsequently becomes instilled in all new members as they too come to realise what a special place we have here.

I was only a week or so ago reflecting on and expressing in words how special the BonnyvilleAmerica forum was to me. This was to members from a brand new Triumph forum to do with the new Explorer which I will be buying on return from my trip to the U.S. The point I was making was, I hoped this new forum could be at least be similar to that of BonnyvilleAmerica because after all, it's terrific values are only a mirror to the big heart and soul of members such as John who IMHO is the epitome of what we enjoy here. Of course in turn, each and every other new member learns and continues the same legacy he, with the help of others taught them and subsequently the tradition of the BonnyvilleAmerica forum continues.

To John's family, if you do read the words posted from the members on this thread, like me they are feeling the dreadful loss that comes unfortunately as part of the territory from a forum of bike riders. Unfortunately I wasn't able to share any face to face time with John but he was certainly on my list I can assure you.

To those who knew John more personally, my heart goes out to all of you as your pain through recalled memories grow as the initial shock subsides.

RIP John, your presence on here has left an indelible imprint on those like myself who live half a world away. Of course to those who spent real quality time, I am thinking of you too during this very sad time.


Last edited by Stacka; 06/07/2012 10:12 PM.

Staintune Pipes, K&N Pods, 45 pilots, TBS needles and 145 mains.
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
Stacka #538649 06/07/2012 10:17 PM
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What a loss my condolences to all his family and frends

Last edited by CDL; 06/07/2012 10:17 PM.
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
perceval #538650 06/07/2012 10:18 PM
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When is the next ride/event?

I was thinking (even though I can't be present, being on the other side of the planet) that something like a patch might be an idea?

Been working on something... it's still very crude and unfinished but would it be something that members would be interested to sport in showing our appreciation?

Bless you for coming up with this Jeff.
I would like to see "Friar" on there in some way.

Contra todo mal, mezcal; contra todo bien, también
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
bigbill #538651 06/07/2012 11:39 PM
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I'm so glad I have been able to have spent a little time with John and had the pleasure of having him as a house guest. For those who never got to meet him face to face. The beauty was, he was exactly as he seemed on the computer. A smart ass, whe deeply cared about this site and the people on it. He always called like he saw it, right or wrong. I'll miss you big guy.

~Brent ----- "Nothing you can be is more terrible than what I am." ~ 2007 Black Speedmaster!!
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
bigbill #538652 06/07/2012 11:41 PM
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I just read this news. A bit late, I know, and I apologize for that. This is shocking, hard to believe.

John, you will be be greatly missed, and I appreciate all you have done here.


Last edited by foglefar; 06/07/2012 11:41 PM.
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
foglefar #538653 06/07/2012 11:57 PM
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Just found out about John.... Sad news indeed. Peace and Love to you John. Prayers for his family and all friends and members of this site during this time of grieving.

"Will Ride or Fly for food"
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
FrankM #538654 06/08/2012 12:27 AM
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Is there any way we could get a address I would like to send a card.

Life need a little Triumph! 2008 Triumph Speedmaster, Single baffle drag pipes, lots of black powder coatin,K&N pods, AI removed, TBS needles and a procom cdi.
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
tmax #538655 06/08/2012 12:31 AM
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Sorry for posting late, I'm overseas in Qatar on business, and just saw the patch on FB. I couldn't believe it, just like everyone else. No, I never met John, but I heard plenty of great things about the Friar from Z. We also were friends on FB, even if we were polar opposites politically. I always enjoyed his posts, even if it left me scratching my head thinging "WTF??". My deepest condolences go out to his family and loved ones.
Unfortunately, I can't raise a glass of anything appropriate right now, but will do so when I get back to Thailand next month.
RIP Good Friar and thanks for all you did for this board and the community.

Blue/White 2007 TBA, Thruxton needles, Unifilter, AI removed, Polaris Bellmouth, Bubs, Nology Coils/wires, Lightbar, Ricor Intiminators, Hagon Nitros, Tall Sissy Bar w/luggage rack, Dart flyscreen & Lowers. 130 Mains, TrueGel Battery MG12-BS.
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
Conwy #538656 06/08/2012 3:06 AM
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I returned home from the BMOA meeting last night (Wednesday night), and just before lights out, I saw the post. I've just sat here tonight, after midnight, and read every post in this thread, catching up, looking for details, remembering things from long ago as many of you are.

I remember finding the site down, one day, maybe it was for the transition from the old forum to the new, maybe it was some other reason, but seems it was off the Ethernet for a few days, and I had no idea why, what had happened, if it would ever be back....I was pretty new around here then, it it seemed as though I had just been sucker punched. Like I had lost a good dog. Or a good friend.

I never met John, and maybe would have at the Ga. rally this year had circumstances been different. But learning of his passing (and I thought it a prank, too, at first), I remembered the day when there was no

Think about that. One day it's all here, the next, maybe here no more.

I hunger for detail. Sounds as though it may have been health-related, maybe not rider error. I want to attend a service or memorial if that proves to be possible. I will have and proudly wear a patch, if one becomes available, and it looks like we have a great start on one. I want to be around forever. I want John back. I mourn his lost, and pray for Devon, and all who loved John.

But a few days without would be a sobering tribute to one who dedicated so much to it.

It will never be the same again, without him.

You will be missed, Brother John.

Last edited by Blackwind; 06/08/2012 6:43 AM.

'04 Speedmaster
AI removed, Pingle, UNI Filter, 1 shim, straight-through slash-cut TORs, Stage 1 DynaJet, 140 mains, 3 turns, 16/42 final drive, 115K
2020 T120 Black
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
Blackwind #538657 06/08/2012 4:55 AM
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Very sad. I don't know what to say. RIP Friar.

'011 Cranberry Red Speedmaster, Long TORS, Bellmouth, K&N, SignalMinder
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
moe #538658 06/08/2012 7:55 AM
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Thank you John, for all your efforts here to enhance this web based gathering of like minded Triumph and motorcycle enthusiasts. Many kinships have formed here, and your work to make this place better for all is a huge part of bringing us together.

You will be missed, and I send good thoughts to you and yours in these dark days.

Here's to hoping for light for you to walk into.

Rest in Peace Brother John.

Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
Buckster #538659 06/08/2012 8:38 AM
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I think we would all like him back Keith, but thanks for saying so plainly. I agree and maybe the patch should say Friar John Bedard.

I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains.
Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
moe #538660 06/08/2012 8:49 AM
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Even as a newbie to riding and to this site my heart sank and I feel like I lost a friend, although I know I cannot count myself in that elite group. I offer my deepest sympathy and condolances to his family and friends. I will toast the life of a great person and member.

RIP Friar John.

08 SM, carb version w/ fat tank, blue and silver, AI removed, Short TOR'S, Air box removed, battery relocated and chopped rear fender.
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
putput #538661 06/08/2012 10:51 AM
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What a shock! My first contact with John was when I had trouble signing up on the site this past February and John was kind enough to email me and sign me up manually and then respond many times to my Newbie posts.

Some say we are born into this life to learn to be better humans and if that is so, it is clear to me that John proficiencied the course at 45 and the rest of us must carry on and try to live up to his example.

Phil in Northwest Arkansas 04 America, Black, Corbin seat, TORs, no AI, 34K
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
putput #538662 06/08/2012 10:53 AM
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I’m not real good with words but I am truly saddened by this news. I want to send my deepest sympathies and sincere condolences to all who love him.
You will be remembered by many as a true good person and friend. I want to thank ya for all your work and dedication to our site. As someone has said, You will always have a part of your soul living here, that’s fer sure. The lives ya touched here are better because ya touched them, even if they were touched with The Hammer. I too want to be around forever.
Rest In Peace, My Friend!!!!

I like the idea of a patch for The Friar, thanks Jeff, and I will wear one proudly. That is a great characterization of The Good Friar, nice work.

I've become comfortably numb
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
moe #538663 06/08/2012 11:48 AM
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Saturday, October 29, 2011

You can bet your ass I’m going to take that new Rocket III all over the place. I’m looking forward to blowing out the Travelogue section of this here revamped version of my website. I have two semi-epic rides in mind for next year, one centering around the SouthWest Triumph Festival in Prescott, AZ, the other around the Kootenay Raid in Nelson, BC....

John purposefully made no mention of his planned attendance at the 2012 GA Rally this year. I followed him on fb during the AZ portion of his epic ride this year. First time any significant time was spent by me on fb too. When we rode together at the GA rally, he would post things to fb. Like, "I was here", how things were at any particular time, stuff I didn't get to read (not having a smart phone) until after we said goodbye at the Airport May 21st. I wonder which angel gets the job of hauling gas, batteries and such as chase for John! They'll be indentured into a life of adventure!

Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
moe #538664 06/08/2012 11:57 AM
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I wonder which angel gets the job of hauling gas, batteries and such as chase for John! They'll be indentured into a life of adventure!

You got that right

"You can't believe everything you read on the internet" : William Shakespeare
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
hill8586 #538665 06/08/2012 12:27 PM
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I believe I only met John briefly at last year's SWTF and am very sorry to hear about this accident. My condolences to all his many friends and family.

Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
NarsiscoLopez #538666 06/08/2012 12:51 PM
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Posted this on my FB page for John...thought I would share it here too...


Biker Angel be my guide
As I climb upon my scoot to ride.
Let your halo guide the way and
Keep me safe from harm today.
Let your wings provide me wind and air
And send it coursing through my hair.
Find for me a sunny place and let
It shine upon my face.
Keep the clouds and rain at bay
And keep me dry throughout the day.
Watch over my brothers who ride with me
Keep them safe and close to thee.
Keep my wheels upon the ground
So I'll return here safe and sound.
But should disaster be my fate,
Guide me through to heaven's gate.
If I must join my fallen brethren,
Please show me the way to Biker Heaven.

THE VOICE OF REASON per: Stewart AF&AM/Shriner/Scoutmaster 130/45 TBS 2shim SS Uni 18/42
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
moe #538667 06/08/2012 1:38 PM
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This is a major loss for the family and friends who knew him personally, but those of us who only knew him via this forum also feel the loss.

I'm not usually fond of collecting money, but in this case, I think it worthy of consideration. Whether for his family (if needed) or for the continuing betterment of the community. From the few PM's we had, I know he was always working on ways to keep this site growing. I don't recall him ever asking for money, but he always responded with thanks.

As he said; "If you find value in what you see here, please contribute to" I'm sure that there are many of us who would like to contribute in memory of all the hours he spent to keep us going.


Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
Hermit #538668 06/08/2012 1:42 PM
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As he said; "If you find value in what you see here, please contribute to" I'm sure that there are many of us who would like to contribute in memory of all the hours he spent to keep us going.


John was the glue that held us together. He touched lives all around the globe.

Live to love, love to live.
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
Keith #538669 06/08/2012 4:07 PM
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Very sad news. RIP

Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
Keith #538670 06/08/2012 4:57 PM
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John was the glue that held us together. He touched lives all around the globe.


Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
Soul_Survivor #538671 06/08/2012 5:09 PM
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Dear Lord, I don't know what to say. Moe was kind enough to drop me a line today to let me know what happened. I am so sorry. Sorry for John, his family, and the lot here. I really didn't know John very well other than what conversations we had here on the boards in the early days, and the discussions we had as he took over the site, but I can say from what I know he was a great guy, had a ton of friends, and had a heart big enough for everything involved in keeping this site going for everyone, and I know it's a lot. I've informed Moe to let me know what I can do to make sure things keep cooking here, and I'll be happy to do so.

Best Regards, Robert

Robert Wade, Administrator
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
leonard #538672 06/08/2012 5:12 PM
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Just got back from a holiday away from the computer and have just seen the sad news . . .


My name is phil . . . I ride a TRIUMPH
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
hill8586 #538673 06/08/2012 5:37 PM
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OMG....I am sincerely stunned & gripped in saddness by the loss of our good Friar. Having never met him in person, I am proud to say I knew him just the same, if only via the BA forum. To those of you who knew him personally and are in contact with his family please extend my deepest condolences to them.

Karl Independence, MO '07 America, Cinnamon Girl (aka: Black Beauty) - Sit Down, Shut Up & Hang On
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
roadworthy #538674 06/08/2012 6:01 PM
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Although I never met the man in person I am saddened I never will.

+1 on that. Just because I never got to shake his hand doesn't make the hurt any less felt

+2 I am speechless over the loss of a friend I never met!

Karl Independence, MO '07 America, Cinnamon Girl (aka: Black Beauty) - Sit Down, Shut Up & Hang On
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
Buffal0 #538675 06/08/2012 6:53 PM
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I just read about John [friar]. he seemed a good guy,I did not know him as a lot of you did.My condolences to his family and friends. 45 is to young to go .Its really a shame. bob s

Last edited by bsa_bob; 06/08/2012 6:58 PM.

bob s
Re: John Bedard R.I.P.
Soul_Survivor #538676 06/08/2012 7:04 PM
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Damn. Its true. I'm speachless. I was the last person to talk to him

No other cars involved just him and his bike. It sounds abit like he looked away, or the like for a second .the car in front was slowing.speculation is all jus speculation bob s

bob s
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