I had to make a 97 mile trip to work the Chopper last night. Before I heard about John I had planned on riding my bike up there. After I heard about it I didn't want to ride. I told my wife I was taking the car. As I walked out the door, I looked at my car and thought, I'll be damned if fear and grief will keep me from this. I got on my bike and made the trip. I am not ashamed to say I cried most of the miles to work. I was up until 0230 this morning as we were busy flying last night, and Friar was in my thoughts even then.
I work again tonight, taking the bike back up, even if it rains.
Jeff that Patch is awesome, it captures Friar.
God Speed Brother, To his family and friends, we grieve with you.
To all of you, live so that you have no regrets.