I'm not around here as much as I once was...some may not even know me, some may remember me, (some may not want to) and some I am honored to count among dear friends all because of this site...

John and I 'met' here and I was often the victim (deservedly so) of the Hammer of Smiting® ...but before I posted anything likely to cause the Hammer to swing I would often give the Mods a heads up via a PM, particularly John, since it was 50 to 1 that it would be he who swung the mighty blow...John and I developed a friendship based upon the mutual respect we had shown each other...he had a "job" to do here, maintaining the order and I had something to say that, albeit controversial or inflammatory, I felt needed to be said...John would PM me back and say I'll let it go as long as I can...but I will probably have to "Smite you" I understood and accepted this...Often John would PM me with his personal approval of my post and warn me that he would have to "delete your post and give you crap" ...

We had much more contact (with far less Smiting) on FB and again he and I may not have seen eye to eye on every subject (politics comes to mind) but there was always honesty and respect for each other, a rare quality indeed. On those things we did agree on we would rant (or converse at length) on, "like" each others posts and "steal" the ones we really liked…I will sorely miss the banter we would publicly share and the respect and honesty we shared privately…

Despite his personal opinions regarding anything he saw posted here he always (with rare exceptions) publicly acted in a manor that was for the greater good of BA.com…

I’m am still in shock at the news and I don’t think I have yet to really discover just how incredibly much I will miss John, the times we shared, or what he did for this site!

THE VOICE OF REASON per: Stewart AF&AM/Shriner/Scoutmaster 130/45 TBS 2shim SS Uni 18/42