[quote I will be riding "pegs down" for Friar John as a sign of respect. I dont know if you guys do that in the States but I ask our fellow Aussie riders to do the same.
RIP John Bedard
I have never really heard of this Stevie, but the more I think if it the more it sounds like a good idea. It would be like you said, a way for everyone on this site from all countries to show respect and solidarity for our brother, John. I know I only met him once but I felt like I've known him for the almost 10 years I've been on this site. Everyone has their own way of mourning and celebrating the life of someone that has fallen. Tonight for me it was washing my bike with the pegs down and thinking of John. For the rest of the week it will be "pegs down" for FriarJohn. He would have probably called me a chuckle head.