First time I met John (Friar) and John (Freedom). This was a day before we departed Seattle and headed for Surrey then on to Nelson (also my first trip to Nelson). This was in 2008.

His battery quit at the boarder crossing that year. I laughed my arse off as he pushed it across the boarder. This was later that eve at Gordie's (Celt) house. John showing off his gams as he replaced his battery.

Nelson 2011 - John and Karen having a good ole time.

John and Eddy sitting on a bench in Jerome Az. 2011.

SOLD: 07 Black BA, 39mm FCRs, TPUSA stage 1 head, TPUSA 813 cams, TPUSA 10.8:1 pistons, TTP #3 igniter, Specialty Spares Long Cannons, Tsukayu Hard Bags. 82HP/55tq NEW: 19 Goldwing Tour DCT