So Dave, what's the verdict? Was it worth it?
Sorry dude,I didn't see your post until today. It took a bit for me to get used to the helmet, it was a bit tighter than my last one and the chin bar is closer to my face so it is kind of tricky to get it off after a ride. But, now the foam has broken in a bit to fit my head, and I have to say that I like it quite a bit. It's definitely quieter than my Bell was and the field of vision is a bit bigger. The tint on the visor is not quite as dark as my Bell, but it makes it easier to see at night. The vents work well enough, I can feel some air move across my head at least. Yeah it was expensive, but I can't take money with me if I die...
Always remember to be yourself. Unless you suck. Then pretend to be someone else.