Thatcher and Reagan both faced down out of control unions that tried to extort their respective countries into giving them outsized concessions. In Thatchers case it was the miners union who threatened to bankrupt Britain (without so much as a strike vote of the membership) In Reagan's case it was the air traffic controllers who thought they could threaten flight safety and to cost the US untold billions by illegally walking off their jobs.
In neither case did the majority suffer. Rather, it was the arrogant minority that threatened their nations prosperity for selfish gain that suffered. Repeating the lies of those who tried to use their positions to extort huge concessions from taxpayers and were defeated by leaders unwilling to take the easy way out does not make the lies true.
The lefties have been spreading lies and distortions about both of them for decades. I see it as sour grapes, thieves and extortionists who tried their tricks on leaders who refused to be cowed.
We all like to think of ourselves as rugged individualists. But when push comes to shove most of us are sheep who do what we are told. Worst of all, a lot of us become unpaid agents of whoever is controlling the agenda by enforcing the current dogma on the few rugged individualists who actually exist.