I would like to throw a couple ideas out there, see what the interest level is.

cave of the mounds, last year a couple of the guys got separated from the group (lost?) and ened up at the cave of the mounds they said it was worth seeing. never been there myself. It is maybe 100 miles from Westby, an interesting route could be found.

ride down the river to Potosi for lunch at brewery/museum. It could be made a 3 state, both sides of the river trip.

the cave of the mounds and the Potosi brewery could be combined into 1 ride. 260 miles total but it would be a whole day.

the great river road north, we went as far as Wabasha last year. The divided highway ends at Wabasha and is more interesting as you go north, the ride would basically be around lake Pepin.
and the WI side is high up and has some scenic turnouts. Lots of rider friendly towns and of course Pepin (for you LIW fans in the group)

Last edited by mag10; 02/01/2013 1:17 PM.

05 speedmaster - 1100cc, 11:1 racing pistons, Carillo rods, thunderbike cams, ported and polished head, 2mm over intake and exhaust valves, Barnett kevlar clutch, scepter pipes, oversize manifolds, 45mm HSR's, TTP stage 4 firestarter