
I have no idea what the law is in Ottawa, but many states in the USA a driver negates his legal right of way if speeding.

Over here the speed of the vehicles has to be proven to be a factor in the accident, so in this case the motorcycles speed would have had to been proven, and then also proven that if he had not been speeding (if he was) he could have avoided the accident.

Also, we have a charge of Causing Death by Careless Driving, so while this cager might not have been driving dangerously, he was definitely careless which could have got him 5 years

BTW Dwight, pissed off means the same over here as over there. Pissed is when you're drunk, so if you ever come over for a visit be careful what you say if you're pulled over by a cop and are annoyed about it

Too old to die young, too ugly to leave a good looking corpse