Well, wouldn't that be nice to THINK so Colin, but it isn't ever going to happen...UNLESS almost "Draconian" laws are put into place that would necessitate and almost guarantee a conviction in these types of, yes, ACCIDENTS!
Now, if the guy was DRUNK, then I say book the friggin' BOOK at him, BUT according to these reports here, it appears this was just another case of the thousands upon thousdands of accidents which occur daily in all industrialized nations, and which are most commonly caused by...yep sorry...the "I Didn't See That Other Vehicle Coming, But I Sure Didn't Want To Hit It" Syndrome...be they motorcycles OR cars involved.
And, while I understand your frustration here, remember, I've ALSO been ridin' these bad boys for over 45 years now myself, so I've pretty much seen it all and been PISSED OFF(I mean THAT in the American lexicon of "ANGRY" here, NOT "drunk" btw) by what I've seen on the road all these years, BUT even IF those "Draconian laws" ARE ever passed, I REALLY doubt that they would have much affect upon the EYESIGHT and/or the vast majority of all the instantaneous decision-making people are required to perform while parkin' their asses behind the wheel of car...or while on a motorcycle.
(...and so, in the MEANTIME, I'll just advise you ONE MORE TIME here that EVERY TIME you see someone doin' somethin' just even a LITTLE squirrely out there, SLOW DOWN a bit and be prepared for what might be comin' next...well, that IS of course UNLESS your ULTIMATE pleasure IS to always be "DEAD RIGHT"!!!)