Well, here I go bein' the guy with the unpopular opinion again!

SORRY fellas, but I'm thinkin' even IF the motorcyclist wasn't speeding(and according to one witness he thought he was)this MIGHT be another case of a motorcyclists either not paying attention to things inside the "Circle of Danger" in front of him, OR if he DID notice the cager coming in the opposite direction and the aligning of his car in an unusual manner(reportedly situated across two lanes of traffic), then the motorcyclist might have just ignored that OBVIOUS telltale sign that the cagers MIGHT perform some even DUMBER maneuver right in front of him such as pulling directly into his path, and thus SHOULD HAVE slowed down immediately upon recognizing this scenario.

And NO, while I'm sorry the rider died, and NO, while I'm NOT "blaming" his own fate COMPLETELY on the rider, I DO THINK in MANY cases these sorts of things CAN sometimes be avoided IF motorcylcists are ALWAYS looking for even the FAINTEST of evidience that somebody up ahead of them is doing SOMETHING just a little out of the ordinary!

(...okay folks, now it YOUR turn to jump on me for sayin' this OBVIOUS truth here...don't worry, I can take it....oh and YEAH, this MIGHT all be just suppositions on MY part, but I'm thinkin' NO more so than always always drawing the conclusion that: The motorcylist is always COMPLETELY in the right, "dead right" sometimes, and the cager is always COMPLETELY in the wrong!!!)

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)