Reminds me of hitchhiking through MS and AL in the mid-70s. Some whacked-out babe was also hitching. As she walked by me, I could hear her muttering incoherently to herself. Not a bad-looking sort, and certainly had large enough assets to attract a ride from a distance. When she was about a third-mile down the road, a guy slowed down to pick me up, but seeing her, shrugged, then kept on going to where she was. She threw her small suitcase into the cab of his truck, and climbed in. It wasn't another couple hundred yards, when the door flies open, her bag goes flying out of the truck, as does she, as though he put a boot to her behind. He took off like a jack rabbit, and instead of walking backwards down the road, I stayed put, until some other fool saw her, picked her up, and drove off...