Help keep the classifieds clean by contacting one of the forum moderators when you no longer wish to run your ad.
  • We reserve the right to periodically purge any post that hasn't had a reply in 30 days, without warning.
  • Please add your location if it is not filled out in your profile.
  • Please respect people's ads. It is not your place to price check or otherwise challenge someone's ad. You may ask questions but if you take issue with a price or other details, please contact the seller via PM or email
  • Please do not hijack someone’s sale thread with your similar product, instead post your own thread.
  • Please do not hijack someone’s WTB thread, do not step in and offer to buy that which the poster is offered, instead PM the offer-maker or, once again, post your own thread!
  • Please keep conversation on topic. The ads are periodically purged so any useful conversation will be lost eventually.
  • Vendors, please use the Vendors Only forum to post products!
  • If you sell something please consider donating a little (whatever you feel comfortable doing) to the site that helped make it happen.