Quote: Hey guys, correct me if I am wrong, is this not a RAT event by the riders for the riders with support from our shops?
That's my sense of the deal Liane. My recollection is the Nelson rally originally started as a corporate effort, including the demo ride trailer. Triumph shifted it marketing focus, which was followed by individual dealerships in Ab, BC and WA picking up the tab, keeping the rally going via their organized RAT clubs. People stepping up and assuming responsibility for the event. It's been a popular weekend, organized by the people for the people. Now it's your turn and thank you for taking this ragtag group on. Like herding cats.
Mostly a bunch of old and new friends getting together. That's kinda' why I show up, besides harassing Z & a few others.
And that's about all I know, corrections invited, if not welcomed.
"It's not what I say that's important, it's what you hear" Red Auerbach