I just spoke to Rhonda at the New Grand this morning. They are down to only a couple doubles left. I also spoke to Danny at the New Grand yesterday and the Mountain Hound and the Hume have agreed to come on as sponsors by paying a sponsorship fee. So I ask that you please go to those two next.

Another small note, and the reason why I had to call Rhonda this morning is there has been push back on the Triumph priority parking. It seems that there is a misunderstanding from one of the Harley riders that comes to the event. He seems to think we are asking for them to park elsewhere and if that's the case, he won't stay at the Grand. He obviously was not given the full story because in my original email to the participants I simply mentioned that there are concerns over parking and that I would work to find a way to make everyone happy and keep everyone safe. So if anyone has a non-Triumph friend that attends the event, here is the full story.

"We would like to make the parking lot at the New Grand Triumph priority parking for many reasons including the fact it is a Triumph event for one and that it makes it easier to judge bikes for the Show & Shine when all the bikes are there to be judged. Triumph bikes should not be left out on the street when non-Triumph bikes are in the lot. The ONLY way this can happen is if we can find a safe place for the non-Triumph bikes. I am working with the folks at the New Grand to at most get the street beside blocked off for the weekend or at the very least to get all the stalls that run the side of the hotel and parking lot barricaded off to allow for safe parking for extra motorcycles. This is NOT a decision made solely by me and there are several people on this forum who can attest to that. This was a decision made by a lot of RAT members, I am simply the person trying to carry out their wishes because I agree with their complaints. The New Grand has nothing to do with this decision but are helping to facilitate a compromise."

Hope that explains this issue clearer in case anyone does ask anyone of you.

Any day on my bike is the best day ever! That would be my custom painted 2007 Speedmaster or my 2002 Daytona 955i also known as my salt racing bike!