
Something that bothers me is that bio diesel is forbidden for use in diesel vehicles made after 2007, and that includes certain '07 models. Now, I am OK because my truck is cleared for up to B15, but there is no place to get pure mineral diesel fuel within 30 miles. That means a lot of people are stuck with late model vehicles that they have to either not run or risk fines.

Fines? By who? Last I checked, you can run pretty much anything you want in your vehicle.. the problem as I understand it is that to meet EPA emission guidelines, diesel manufacturers introduced (in 2007) diesel particulate filters. In order to keep them clean, they also introduced a post-combustion squirt of fuel into the cylinders which then vaporizes and gets run through the filters to burn off the particulates and keep them clean. The problem stems from the fact that biodiesel doesn't vaporize as easily as straight diesel when it hits the heated cylinder, causing some of it to find it's way into the crankcase oil. The net result is that some biodiesel gets mixed in with your crankcase oil and over time will actually cause the oil level to get too high, allowing the crank to slosh it around and create foam (which is why you never want to overfill your crankcase with oil).

Mixing biodiesel with oil isn't really a problem, it is having too much oil in your crankcase that is.. so you can run biodiesel all you want as long as you keep a close eye on your oil level. I have not heard anything about people being fined, and can't even imagine how that could be enforced.. spys hiding at the gas station checking model years maybe?!?


To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid.