Quote: With gun ownership readily available to just about anyone with half a brain it opens up a whole can of worms. Been to a rifle range lately? I have seen more stupid people waving around their plastic AR15s like idiots. 'Never been trained on gun safety but damn my rifle looks cool' is the mentality I see. So while they are shooting up the rented targets frames 100 yards out and laughing and passing around the rifle like passing around a jug of whisky I stay as far away from them as possible. I even grabbed one out the a guys hand. There were three of them using the rifle. Removed the mag; emptied the chamber and told them to get F$#%^k out here because they were acting stupid and were going to kill themselves or someone else. I got a standing cheer for doing that. Then went back to my moving blanket and finished knocken em out at 400 yards. Then the range officer came over to check my rifle for legality because I made him look like a fool for not doing his job. He didn't know what he was looking at. But did pick up my enbloc and handed it to me stating my rifle was broken. Way too many stupid people out there with weapons. Maybe if they knew what it was like to be shot at they wouldn't act so reckless. When I shoot I don't think of shooting humans or animals. And wouldn't do either unless threatened.
There are quite a few YouTube videos of that nature. None of the people I used to shoot with were like that but some of the messes I've cleaned up qualified for Darwin awards.