

Its not hard to understand that the founding fathers were locked in a struggle against an over reaching government that they felt needed to be rebelled against and wanted to insure that our new gooberment would never become such a problem. So they out lined civilians rights that were not to be infringed upon by an over reaching government in the future. You know all that stuff about speach, and trials, search and seizure, you know stuff like that. But the second amendment is something completely different and refers to military. I guess the founding fathers were incapable of sequacious thought. All this stuff about personal freedoms except the second sentence.

There was plenty written by the framers at the time to clarify their intent. I guess they never envisioned that a bibliography of their correspondence would one day be necessary to interpret their words.

It's all still out there if one takes the time and effort to research and read. Sometimes when I read the opinions or dissents of SCOTUS justices it seems as though some think the nation was formed around 1960.

If I write you some instructions you do not have to read everything I have ever writen to understand what I wrote to you. You can read in context and understand what I intended. No bibliography required.
The constitution is a document the was writen in context and in logical order and flow of thought.
Any way I don't need a document to tell me that I have the right to defend my own, and my family's; life, and liberty. I think it stands to reason that arming myself well enough to do so according to the weapons of the times is a reasonable expectation.

I have no faith in human perfectability. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago. Edgar Allan Poe