Re: OT: Concealed Gun Permit
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Guns were designed to hunt and protect not murder just as baseball bats were designed to hit baseballs not murder. Been in the middle of several shootouts and I ca assure you you if you responded there and there were no guns present you would still be cleaning up the mess and bodies. Those guys would have killed each other weather guns were there or not. Guns don't kill people , people do.(The gun is the tool just like a knife,bat,tire iron, bumper jack, bowling ball, rolling pin, rock, pipe bomb, fist, boot, force feeding funnel, automobile (and yes they have been used) spoon, newspaper, toothbrush, bottle, pool cue,.........
Hmmm, not so much. I've been to plenty of those kinds of 'interpersonal interactions' as well and to claim that it's no different when guns are involved is either disingenuous or incredibly naive. We didn't go to wearing body armor because of rocks being thrown at ambulances, we did it because of the bullet holes.
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When I was in the military they were pretty clear about what our weapons were for. I don't recall the words "hunt and protect" ever being brought up.
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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I have been involved and in the middle of them and did my time for my involvement and I can tell you first hand, other than you wearing body armor the outcome is the same and the mess you complained about is the same or worse.
Ever see a head smashed with a baseball bat? I have and it is a very messy thing.
I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains. Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
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Actually, my DI did discuss "hunting" come to think of it. It wasn't in the context you're referring to, though.
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Yes, I've seen quite a few heads bashed in with blunt objects. After 5000 calls I'd be pretty surprised if you could come up with anything new.
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Guns are designed to kill people. I don't see that changing.
Guns were not originally designed for that purpose and there are a large number still not designed or intended for that purpose. So no it won't change any time soon because you insinuation that the only purpose they are designed for is killing people is completely erroneous.
I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains. Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Yes, I've seen quite a few heads bashed in with blunt objects. After 5000 calls I'd be pretty surprised if you could come up with anything new.
Not trying to come up with anything new but that is just as messy and deadly as a gun shot, that was my point.
I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains. Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
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...While I'm sure there are some, I doubt many MVA deaths are suicides.
Sarah Starzynski's was. 
Blowing gravel off rural roads
 Re: OT: Concealed Gun Permit
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Guns are designed to kill people. I don't see that changing.
Guns were not originally designed for that purpose and there are a large number still not designed or intended for that purpose. So no it won't change any time soon because you insinuation that the only purpose they are designed for is killing people is completely erroneous.
Ian, don't get me wrong, I like to shoot as much as the next guy and I took the opportunity to qualify on everything I could lay may hands on in the military. I once gave a buddy a '98 Argentine Mauser as a birthday gift. But many, many guns are designed for one purpose and one purpose only, to shoot other people. I'm sure this thread could go on forever as to why a person needs a 100+ round magazine, but come on.
Guns are tools, you'll get no argument from me there, but there are a number of them that the most effective use for them is to shoot people in large numbers. When a gun is called a 'Streetsweeper' they aren't marketing it toward sanitation departments.
I've worked a few mass casualty incidents (7 or more injured/killed). Even more if you count hurricanes but I just encountered injuries with those. There was one building collapse, a couple bus accidents, and probably four or five multiple shootings with a variety of scenarios. The severity of the carnage as compared to a bad bar fight cannot be compared. There is a BIG difference when you mix in firepower. You don't blow a guys leg off with the swing of a pool cue.
Didn't really mean to go all off on this. Like I said, I like to shoot, too. I also know that reasonable regulation is, well, reasonable.
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+1 on the education and safety and training the kids to be safe with guns.
Yep, as a wee-one I was shown "trained" by my Dad on gun safety and then taken out back (we lived in the country) and shot "mucho" rounds.......learned to respect a firearm...at the ripe young age of 6........I think kids that have not been "shown" the gun are curious and that is what gets the trouble.....education solves that curiosity problem....IMO
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It might be worth mention that there was a group of us assigned and trained to respond with SWAT. It started with the SWAT captain asking to have some of his men trained as paramedics thinking is was some sort of course you can take. When he learned that the usual course of study is pretty much the same as for an RN, 2 or 4 year college programs, he realized it would be much simpler to train a handful of paramedics to be SWAT team members.
To be sure, we were the last guys going in, but we took all the training and we were issued, for the most part, all the same gear. We were trained on all the firearms for familiarization purposes and issued a Glock 9mm. It was understood that it was pretty much for display purposes only as we were carrying a jump kit and our roles were carefully delineated.
During the two years I was part of the program I only responded to a handful of calls and they weren't any more dangerous than any other day at work.
I was a great EMS system to work for as they were all about being the first and the best. One year we were national system of the year and runner up another time. We had a dive team with a couple Scorpio boats, a high angle rescue team (HART) so we did all kinds of rope work at extreme heights, swift water rescue team(we trained at the Nantahala Outdoor Center, aka 'the Harvard of whitewater') so half the guys ended up buying kayaks, HAZMAT team, we did all our own extrication work (most places the fire departments do that)you name it. There were pay differentials for taking the training so I did all of it.
Better than working for a living. Eventually, though, it took a physical and psychological toll on me and it was time to move on.
Last edited by Smokey3214; 08/09/2012 12:51 PM.
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Thing is I like the 100+ round mags, they make for great fun blasting away at cans and stuff. I have weapons designed to kill people that I have great fun with and never hurt anyone or anything. No reason I can't own them legally and enjoy myself. Full auto is even more fun but I can't own those. It's like the rediculous rule making switch blade knives illegal. They are readily available and many own them. There are knives that open just as fast that are legal too. All you do with regulation is make law abiding citizens suffer while the criminals go on in the same way they always have with access to all the same weapons they always have had access to.
I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains. Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!
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Monkey Butt
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An armed society is a polite society. If you assume everyone may be packing you're less likely to be rude to them, assault them, rob them or rape them. Being young, large, strong and ruthless is much less of an advantage if the older, smaller and weaker intended victim may be armed.
If you disarm a society you are simply making it easier for the worst elements of society to prey upon the rest. "More Guns, Less Crime" is not just the name of a book. It's also a demonstrated fact.
We all like to think of ourselves as rugged individualists. But when push comes to shove most of us are sheep who do what we are told. Worst of all, a lot of us become unpaid agents of whoever is controlling the agenda by enforcing the current dogma on the few rugged individualists who actually exist.
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Thing is I like the 100+ round mags, they make for great fun blasting away at cans and stuff. I have weapons designed to kill people that I have great fun with and never hurt anyone or anything. No reason I can't own them legally and enjoy myself. Full auto is even more fun but I can't own those. It's like the rediculous rule making switch blade knives illegal. They are readily available and many own them. There are knives that open just as fast that are legal too. All you do with regulation is make law abiding citizens suffer while the criminals go on in the same way they always have with access to all the same weapons they always have had access to.
Yep, my new Benchmade knife flicks open very fast. In a blink of an eye, I tell ya. Love it.
Didn't buy into the hype, you can keep the change.
 Re: OT: Concealed Gun Permit
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funny how most people that are against guns have never fired or even held a gun. i believe that all people (most importantly children) should be taught all about guns and just like driving school it should be mandatory!!!! my children learned at a very early age about weapons and to respect them just like they were taught about everything else. it is a part of the American way that has made this country great. i understand some people not wanting "assualt weapons" available to the public but who are those people going to run to if or when the shite hits the fan. i believe that old saying "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" and i believe that if everyone were taught the proper care and handeling of weapons there would be less issues with weapons. it just seems to me that people that dont know are the ones that complain the most about leagalities about firearms. there is a great story about Frank Zappa who was big time anti-gun proponant untill he went and stayed at Mark Farner's farm while producing the Grand Funk "Good Singing Good Playing" album and Mark took him out behind the studio (which was in the woods, called the swamp) and got him to shootin at cans and bottles on a fence. Frank was hooked and before he passed away he became an outspoken spokesman for the NRA. ya see he had never held or shot a gun but when he did he realized that it is, as some have said "a tool" and we all know if you dont handle a drill or saw properly, you will pay a price. my advice to you sir is that you teach your children well about such things and if you have already taught them about what respect is then everything will be fine and you will find such enjoyment when you as a family go to the range on a wknd that you will wonder why you havnt done it before now. the initial cost can be harsh but 100 rounds of anything is comparitivly cheap when you look at the expense of other sports.
ENJOY!!!!! NEWT!!!!!
 Re: OT: Concealed Gun Permit
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Was thinking about getting a handgun and permit. However, I'm nervous about having a loaded gun in the house with a nine and an eleven year old. If they are told not to do something, they generally mind. But curiosity can get the best of any kid. I'm needing suggestions on how to have a home with kids and a loaded handgun without the unthinkable happening.
Lemme kick in my $0.02. I have 3 kids 11, 8, 6. All 3 shoot and are better shots than most adults. Before they touched a loaded gun we spend a day learning the parts, proper names and practicing safe handling with a unloaded gun. I quized each of them and made them understand that no one was shooting unless we all knew how to be safe and we helped each other out. It was nice seeing them work together to learn, be critical w/each other, and be safety conscious. I keep most of my guns in a safe, but there is a Glock 40 in my nightstand, a 380 in the kitchen and a 12ga by the front door. I do know that in Florida it is a felony to have a loaded weapon with in reach of a minor. You can always keep the gun beside and the ammo in the dresser, or keep it loaded at night and safe it during the day. Whatever works best for your situation, makes everyone in your house comfortable, and keep everyone safe.
"stupid's in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyways, until they don't know right from wrong..."
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An armed society is a polite society. If you assume everyone may be packing you're less likely to be rude to them, assault them, rob them or rape them. Being young, large, strong and ruthless is much less of an advantage if the older, smaller and weaker intended victim may be armed.
If you disarm a society you are simply making it easier for the worst elements of society to prey upon the rest. "More Guns, Less Crime" is not just the name of a book. It's also a demonstrated fact.
Well, that would make the US and Somalia the most polite (and, by extension) the least violent countries on the planet because we are certainly the most heavily armed.
I've just never understood the paranoia attached to the mere mention of gun regulation. Sandwich bags are more heavily regulated in this country yet every election one candidate will insist the other will 'take away all your guns'. What a load of crap that is.
While anyone with a soapbox will throw out their interpretation, the history behind the Second Amendment is pretty clear. It has nothing to do with protecting yourself against the military (which is extraordinarily ridiculous anyway unless you have a trillion dollar armory). Our forefathers were opposed to having a peacetime standing army. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison wrote about their fears of a peacetime standing army at great length as they felt that it was a potential threat to the new republic(they were great students of history). The post office is the only governmental organization as such that is actually written into the Constitution. The military was not. The new country was to be protected by citizen soldiers belonging to an organized militia. These citizen soldiers were expected to at least have access to firearms in order to arm the militias.
THAT was the purpose of the Second Amendment.
While I have no problem with gun ownership in general, the interpretation of the purpose Second Amendment as a guarantee that citizens could arm themselves to the teeth to protect themselves against the black helicopters just demonstrates that most people don't know enough about US history.
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Check Pants
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An armed society is a polite society. If you assume everyone may be packing you're less likely to be rude to them, assault them, rob them or rape them. Being young, large, strong and ruthless is much less of an advantage if the older, smaller and weaker intended victim may be armed.
If you disarm a society you are simply making it easier for the worst elements of society to prey upon the rest. "More Guns, Less Crime" is not just the name of a book. It's also a demonstrated fact.
Well, that would make the US and Somalia the most polite (and, by extension) the least violent countries on the planet because we are certainly the most heavily armed.
I've just never understood the paranoia attached to the mere mention of gun regulation. Sandwich bags are more heavily regulated in this country yet every election one candidate will insist the other will 'take away all your guns'. What a load of crap that is.
While anyone with a soapbox will throw out their interpretation, the history behind the Second Amendment is pretty clear. It has nothing to do with protecting yourself against the military (which is extraordinarily ridiculous anyway unless you have a trillion dollar armory). Our forefathers were opposed to having a peacetime standing army. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison wrote about their fears of a peacetime standing army at great length as they felt that it was a potential threat to the new republic(they were great students of history). The post office is the only governmental organization as such that is actually written into the Constitution. The military was not. The new country was to be protected by citizen soldiers belonging to an organized militia. These citizen soldiers were expected to at least have access to firearms in order to arm the militias.
THAT was the purpose of the Second Amendment.
While I have no problem with gun ownership in general, the interpretation of the purpose Second Amendment as a guarantee that citizens could arm themselves to the teeth to protect themselves against the black helicopters just demonstrates that most people don't know enough about US history.
I guess Federalist Papers were written by space aliens huh? You may have the right to re interpret American history, but that does not make your assumptions correct. But, hey, the HuffPo blog will always applaud such attitudes in case you do not feel appreciated.
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...You may have the right to re interpret American history, but that does not make your assumptions correct...

Isn't it amazing that it seems the more educated one thinks he is, the more likely he'll NEVER consider this to be true.

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J. Prine
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While anyone with a soapbox will throw out their interpretation...
But, that's what most forums are all about.

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With an illegal smile
J. Prine
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New Tires
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Recent SCOTUS rulings have affirmed US citizens right' to bear arms, basically the NRA's second amendment position. If the signers of the Constitution didn't believe in a standing military, they wouldn't have penned the amendment prohibiting the housing of troops in private property without the owner's permission during peace time. By the way the most dangerous cities in America are the ones with the strictest gun control laws or on the southern border. Chicago is the most dangerous city in the world for gun violence, but not to worry, the Chik Fla threat is being dealt with. 
Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
H. L. Mencken
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Fe Butt
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Hey Chet, I'm sorry to inform ya here, but the U.S. Supreme Court ruled a few years ago that that "comma" meant EVERYTHING in regard to the Second Amendment. But then again, THIS ruling was courtesy of the VERY SAME bunch of MORONS who recently ruled that "Corporations are 'an Individual'" AND that the government can take your property away from ya so they can build a freakin' WALMART on it! Yep..."Money always TALKS", ya know!  (...sooooo, I guess, kinda like what erle was sayin' here, The smarter SOME freakin' LAWYERS who sit their lame-ass butts on the bench in the highest court in the land think THEY are, THAT evidently doesn't make THEIR opinions any more "correct" than your's or mine EITHER, huh?!...just kinda sorta more ENFORCEABLE...THAT'S all!!!) 
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
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Fe Butt
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If the signers of the Constitution didn't believe in a standing military, they wouldn't have penned the amendment prohibiting the housing of troops in private property without the owner's permission during peace time.
Yep, good point there, Mac!
BUT I gotta ask ya somethin' here...IF that "law" WASN'T on the books, then what the hell difference would it make ANYWAY???
I mean, because and thanks in large part to our "hallowed" Second Amendment, we have the right to ALMOST build as big a personal freakin' arsenal as we WANT, RIGHT?! And so, don't ya think that IF that "bad ol' guv'ment" ever WANTED to TRY doin that WITHOUT our approval...why...we could just FIGHT 'EM ALL OFF 'til they gave up tryin' to do that...RIGHT?!
(...I mean, we people MUST learn to "stand our ground"...just like that MORON in RUBY RIDGE IDAHO, and that OTHER freakin' MORON in WACO TEXAS was soooooooo freakin' successful at, RIGHT???!!!) 
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
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"re-interpret" history?
LOL. Well, that's the same way Jefferson and Madison "re-interpreted" it.
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Yep, the SCOTUS also ruled in favor of Citizens United (of course Clarence didn't have any choice because his wife was bringing in the big bucks from the home team, which he somehow forgot to disclose).
No, guys, I'm fine with however you want to interpret the Second. I know what I know and I'm sure you all feel the same way.
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Fe Butt
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Btw Mac. SPEAKIN' o' that "genius" Randy Weaver up there in the wilds of Idaho...Did I ever tell that MY "opinion" about THAT moron(who could have SO freakin' EASILY avoided all of "his troubles" by APPEARING in COURT which he was SUBPOENAED to appear before AND BEFORE all hell broke loose for the dumb-ass, and THEN just ask, no DEMAND "his day in court" about that freakin' sawed-off shotgun of his...but I digress) IS that I've ALWAYS felt MUCH MORE sorry for the death of that moron's DOG, than I EVER did for his wife! (...YEAH, I know that sounds rough, but look at it THIS way...that poor DOG didn't have a freakin' CHOICE to live in that moron's household, BUT that WIFE of his sure as hell DID!!!) 
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
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If the signers of the Constitution didn't believe in a standing military, they wouldn't have penned the amendment prohibiting the housing of troops in private property without the owner's permission during peace time.
I think we all know that was directly in response to the British housing troops in private homes against the owners wishes. Take the time to read Washington and Jefferson's extensive writings on the subject. While it seems contrary to expectations, Washington was adamant that a peacetime army was a terrible idea. Jefferson and Madison had an extensive written dialogue during the writing of the Constitution on the subject as Jefferson was in France but wanted to have input on a variety of topics, this being one.
I've always found it ironic that it is often the justices that claim to be strict adherents to the Constitution as written often stray the farthest from our forefather's intent.
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Second Wind
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Its not hard to understand that the founding fathers were locked in a struggle against an over reaching government that they felt needed to be rebelled against and wanted to insure that our new gooberment would never become such a problem. So they out lined civilians rights that were not to be infringed upon by an over reaching government in the future. You know all that stuff about speach, and trials, search and seizure, you know stuff like that. But the second amendment is something completely different and refers to military. I guess the founding fathers were incapable of sequacious thought. All this stuff about personal freedoms except the second sentence.
I have no faith in human perfectability. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago.
Edgar Allan Poe
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The tragedies of Waco and Ruby Ridge were caused more by the hubris and lack of restraint by the state. In neither of these cases, like others, were the perpetrators on a killing spree.
In the case of corporations being defined as individuals, they always have been in law since their invention, nothing new. What was new, was parts of McCain-Feingold that prohibited individuals, unions, corporations and any outside groups, other than candidates' official campaigns from using the media thirty days prior to an election. It was often referred to as the "incumbent protection act". FYI, many on both sides rant about how this ruling enabled the evil Koch brothers or George Soros to donate money to campaigns, the case had nothing top do with their ability to donate, they always have prior to McCain-Feingold.
Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
H. L. Mencken
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New Tires
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Yes, Mrs. Weaver was bottle feeding her child when that FBI sniper's bullet exploded her head. 
Last edited by MACMC; 08/09/2012 7:51 PM.
Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
H. L. Mencken
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New Tires
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If the signers of the Constitution didn't believe in a standing military, they wouldn't have penned the amendment prohibiting the housing of troops in private property without the owner's permission during peace time.
I think we all know that was directly in response to the British housing troops in private homes against the owners wishes. Take the time to read Washington and Jefferson's extensive writings on the subject. While it seems contrary to expectations, Washington was adamant that a peacetime army was a terrible idea. Jefferson and Madison had an extensive written dialogue during the writing of the Constitution on the subject as Jefferson was in France but wanted to have input on a variety of topics, this being one.
I've always found it ironic that it is often the justices that claim to be strict adherents to the Constitution as written often stray the farthest from our forefather's intent.
I guess the proof is in the pudding, the same founding fathers that wrote the Constitution implemented and financed a standing army.
Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
H. L. Mencken
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Yes, Mrs. weaver was bottle feeding her child when that FBI sniper's bullet exploded her head.
Well then, I suppose I COULD add the little rugrat to "my list" with the dog there then, EH?! 
(...YEAH YEAH, I know...pretty "rough" there AGAIN, huh!...but like I SAID, the RUGRAT had NO choice in livin' in that moron's household EITHER..RIGHT???!!!...in OTHER words, I will NEVER understand some of the freakin' PICKS for HUSBANDS that some women make!!!)
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
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If the signers of the Constitution didn't believe in a standing military, they wouldn't have penned the amendment prohibiting the housing of troops in private property without the owner's permission during peace time.
I think we all know that was directly in response to the British housing troops in private homes against the owners wishes. Take the time to read Washington and Jefferson's extensive writings on the subject. While it seems contrary to expectations, Washington was adamant that a peacetime army was a terrible idea. Jefferson and Madison had an extensive written dialogue during the writing of the Constitution on the subject as Jefferson was in France but wanted to have input on a variety of topics, this being one.
I've always found it ironic that it is often the justices that claim to be strict adherents to the Constitution as written often stray the farthest from our forefather's intent.
I guess the proof is in the pudding, the same founding fathers that wrote the Constitution implemented and financed a standing army.
Yep, so it goes.
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Fe Butt
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...???!!!...in OTHER words, I will NEVER understand some of the freakin' PICKS for HUSBANDS that some women make!!!)
OH, and to expand upon THIS...
...THIS in MY "opinion" was a similar situation to that clueless women who's live-in boyfriend was a White Supremist SOB here in Arizona, and who during her breakup with THAT moron was gunned down ALONG with almost her entire family by said SOB just a few months back.
Now WHY in the freakin' WORLD would ANY woman shack-up with an idiot like THAT...HUH?!
Maybe you remember this little news item, eh Mac?
(...yep, once again, call me "rough" or "cold" or "extremely insensitive" here, BUT I have a VERY hard time feelin' any sympathy for THAT dumb broad TOO!!!)
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)
 Re: OT: Concealed Gun Permit
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Its not hard to understand that the founding fathers were locked in a struggle against an over reaching government that they felt needed to be rebelled against and wanted to insure that our new gooberment would never become such a problem. So they out lined civilians rights that were not to be infringed upon by an over reaching government in the future. You know all that stuff about speach, and trials, search and seizure, you know stuff like that. But the second amendment is something completely different and refers to military. I guess the founding fathers were incapable of sequacious thought. All this stuff about personal freedoms except the second sentence.
There was plenty written by the framers at the time to clarify their intent. I guess they never envisioned that a bibliography of their correspondence would one day be necessary to interpret their words.
It's all still out there if one takes the time and effort to research and read. Sometimes when I read the opinions or dissents of SCOTUS justices it seems as though some think the nation was formed around 1960.
 Re: OT: Concealed Gun Permit
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New Tires
New Tires
Joined: Dec 2006
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Wouldn't be nice, if only white supremacist were the only ones committing domestic killings and suicides, there would be so few. 
Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
H. L. Mencken
 Re: OT: Concealed Gun Permit
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New Tires
New Tires
Joined: Dec 2006
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Its not hard to understand that the founding fathers were locked in a struggle against an over reaching government that they felt needed to be rebelled against and wanted to insure that our new gooberment would never become such a problem. So they out lined civilians rights that were not to be infringed upon by an over reaching government in the future. You know all that stuff about speach, and trials, search and seizure, you know stuff like that. But the second amendment is something completely different and refers to military. I guess the founding fathers were incapable of sequacious thought. All this stuff about personal freedoms except the second sentence.
There was plenty written by the framers at the time to clarify their intent. I guess they never envisioned that a bibliography of their correspondence would one day be necessary to interpret their words.
It's all still out there if one takes the time and effort to research and read. Sometimes when I read the opinions or dissents of SCOTUS justices it seems as though some think the nation was formed around 1960.
Actually, prior to the Wilson presidency the Constitution with a very few exceptions meant what it said. Wilson's belief and scholarship postulated that the founders and their documents were irrelevant, that the constitution was an obstruction to scientific governance. The law of the land should evolve with the present historical context, be what ever the elected elites decide.Sound familiar? 
Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
H. L. Mencken
 Re: OT: Concealed Gun Permit
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Fe Butt
Fe Butt
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Well, not to SOLELY "pick on" all those "poor"(dumb-ass) White Supremacists out there Mac...I suppose that's NOT a bad point.
However, my BASIC point here WAS that...I'll NEVER understand the picks for husbands that some women make, because as you know, MOST marriages begin with women either accepting or refusing the offer of such.
(...and REGARDLESS if those picks are of the "moron variety" of White Supremacists or Dumbasses who won't appear for a freakin' subpoena, OR who might follow "their men" into some armed encampment run by some fake freakin' "Prophet" in Waco Texas, OR for THAT matter ANY of the male morons out there who've never learned how to live their lives in a reasonably peaceful, productive and loving manner!)
 Re: OT: Concealed Gun Permit
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Wouldn't be nice, if only white supremacist were the only ones committing domestic killings and suicides, there would be so few.
I don't know about their overall racial viewpoints but the radical right does have the domestic terrorism market pretty well cornered.
The radical left just gets in people's way and disrupts traffic.
 Re: OT: Concealed Gun Permit
Joined: Feb 2011
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Joined: Feb 2011
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Its not hard to understand that the founding fathers were locked in a struggle against an over reaching government that they felt needed to be rebelled against and wanted to insure that our new gooberment would never become such a problem. So they out lined civilians rights that were not to be infringed upon by an over reaching government in the future. You know all that stuff about speach, and trials, search and seizure, you know stuff like that. But the second amendment is something completely different and refers to military. I guess the founding fathers were incapable of sequacious thought. All this stuff about personal freedoms except the second sentence.
There was plenty written by the framers at the time to clarify their intent. I guess they never envisioned that a bibliography of their correspondence would one day be necessary to interpret their words.
It's all still out there if one takes the time and effort to research and read. Sometimes when I read the opinions or dissents of SCOTUS justices it seems as though some think the nation was formed around 1960.
Actually, prior to the Wilson presidency the Constitution with a very few exceptions meant what it said. Wilson's belief and scholarship postulated that the founders and their documents were irrelevant, that the constitution was an obstruction to scientific governance. The law of the land should evolve with the present historical context, be what ever the elected elites decide.Sound familiar?
The part about it being whatever the elites choose sounds just like Scalia.