Btw Mac. SPEAKIN' o' that "genius" Randy Weaver up there in the wilds of Idaho...Did I ever tell that MY "opinion" about THAT moron(who could have SO freakin' EASILY avoided all of "his troubles" by APPEARING in COURT which he was SUBPOENAED to appear before AND BEFORE all hell broke loose for the dumb-ass, and THEN just ask, no DEMAND "his day in court" about that freakin' sawed-off shotgun of his...but I digress) IS that I've ALWAYS felt MUCH MORE sorry for the death of that moron's DOG, than I EVER did for his wife!
(...YEAH, I know that sounds rough, but look at it THIS way...that poor DOG didn't have a freakin' CHOICE to live in that moron's household, BUT that WIFE of his sure as hell DID!!!)
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)