Layed Black Beauty down early Wednesday morning (5:15 a.m. or so) @ 40mph trying to stop w/ less than 25 yards before the stoplight @ Belmont & St John. The light had turned yellow to me with westbound traffic on St John turning N onto Belmont in front of me & I figured I should try to make the stop rather than run it & perhaps T-bone a cager.
Injuries - minimal (skined R knee, elbow, forearm, & a nickle size abrasion on the heel of palm). I walked away clean otherwise and am grateful for that. I coulda been hurt much worse. (Yes, I was wearing my MPJ, gloves & boots, my levis took the most abrasion damage. Although I tried to kick BB away to minimize my injuries, my R foot was caught on the frame below the seat & I got dragged about 20 feet or so)
Damage to BB: my new windshield was trashed, headlight rim scraped, and RH side of handlebar bent (about $400-$500 of replacement parts and a days work).
Funny, but I've practiced E-stops @ faster speeds or shorter distances without problems. I figure somewhere between the downshift from 3rd to 2nd the trailbrake locked (but I didn't feel it lock) &/or the pavement was just damp enough from dew that down she went.
We all make mistakes for sure, but we learn from them too!