Sorry Paul, I couldn't resist.

I did have a feelin' you normally were a helmet wearer. My little "baby steps" thing there was meant more for "general consumption" around here and for those who might spot your thread and who normally choose(btw, I love the idea of choice also) to ride "lid-less".

And as you said, bein' an EMT and all, I'm sure you HAVE seen some consequences of lid-less riding while performing your duties and how one's skull isn't as hard as many people evidently think theirs is.

And, as I've stated many a time around here, I know for almost certainty(from the large asphalt scraped impact area located just around where my left temple resided underneath the helmet) that one o' these here brain buckets(a 3/4 style number) saved me from some serious head injury about 17 years ago when some kid in an old beat-up Toyota pulled over into me from another lane and totaled my brand spankin' new 1995 Triumph Sprint, with the ultimate result of only a badly sprained left ankle from it bein' crushed between the kid's right front fender and my brand spankin' new (but as I said, ultimately totaled) Triumph Sprint.

(...which btw happened during MY ride to work of about only 7 miles AND at an estimated speed of only about 30MPH...which sounds pretty much like the sceanario YOU described where you choose to ride lid-less...ironic, ain't it?!)

Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)