
Paul, if it's been awhile since you've owned a gun, especially if you're looking to carry, you're best bet is to go find a way to handle, possibly shoot, as many different options as possible. It has to be something you are comfortable with. Revolver, auto, .22, .32 .380, .38, 9mm, .357, .45, whatever, you'll want to get yourself to the point of where you can use it smoothly and effectively without a hitch in an incredibly stressful situation. There are a ton of small-ish guns suitable for carry under $400. Check 'em out. And please be aware of your local laws concerning the use of deadly force.

In addition to this keep in mind if you do carry, don't ever pull a gun unless you intend to use it. To pull one just as a show of force or a scare tactic can just escalate a situation.

I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains.
Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!