cant remember the title of the album but i do know it was a live recording of Johnny Rivers,when i was a lad i thought he was the greatest. so much so that when i found myself in california i had to be sure and visit the whiskey-a-go go, just so i could see where all those recordings came from. i now have all his best on c.d and loaded into my m p thingey. my parents were very excepting of all forms of music and anything from opra to country to elvis (we had all his albums and they were bought by mom or dad) and jerry lee might be on the record player at anytime, my dad was a fan of Tony Bennett and Carl Perkins and my mom to this day loves anything country so when i wanted any music they were supportive and allowed me to spend my allowence on any music i wanted so of course when the Beatles came to be, i had to have all their stuff. I remember my dad calling us to the tv when they were on Sullivan but i had friends that were not allowed to listen to that devil music

first concert?? My parents took us to see Chubby Checkers on a flatbed truck trailer,

till the day he died if my dad was dancing to a fast song, he was twisting

his favorite rock & roll song to twist to was Wipeout. Anyway, music was something that was always in our home. good thread by the way, bringing back memories for sure.