My tank is a mid-year 08. The guy I bought it from said they started making the tanks larger for the efi at that time, even though they were still running them with carbs. Mine fits over everything with no mods needing to be made to the relays etc.
Yep, that's true Ian. In anticipation of the EFI models which require a fuel pump, Triumph in 2008 slightly changed the shape of the Bonneville gas tanks by making the tunnel wider. And, because of that and in order to keep a similar amount of fuel capacity, they made these later model Bonnie gas tanks a bit more "bulbous" and higher up from approximately the gas cap on back and slightly less of the classic "teardrop" look of the previous years.
Yep! Just like a good Single Malt Scotch, you might call me "an acquired taste" TOO.(among the many OTHER things you may care to call me, of course)