Looking back, I've only spent a handful of days with Larry over the span of the last 7 or 8 years yet his passing has affected me deeply.

To me he was always quick with a smile and a friendly word but the one memory that will be always front and centre for me will be Larry riding in front of me.

One of many beautiful, tight, twisty Georgia mountain roads. Trees growing in close, their leaves creating spotted patterns along the road from the bright sun above, offset by the cool snap in the air.

As large brown UPS trucks pass us going up the mountain a cold sweat rolls down my back, I fight to keep up. In front of me rides Larry. Riding, relaxed looking like he might be falling asleep.

Larry is one of the people that taught me by example how to ride and for that I will always be grateful. Thank you Larry, I hope I may be able to ride with you again one day and to see what your latest "last bike" is.

John Like a dog on a car ride with my tongue in the wind