Gang.. As you saw earlier, My Dad did pass peacefully this afternoon.

October 8th was an absolutely stunning day for riding. I had picked up my bike from being repaired and was excited about riding again with him It was supposed to be a short ride, but everyone that know Larry, there is no such thing. We met in his driveway like always, talked for about 14 seconds, and he fired it up and said "lets go!" and after a quick nod to my Mom, he flipped that visor down and away we went.

The short ride turned out to be one of his favorite routes, the ride by Lake Burton. And thats not a short run to me at all. It was okay though, I was having a GREAT time even though I had chores at home that needed my attention. After we made the turn, we stopped at the overlook for a Smoke, and like always, he tapped my jacket and bummed yet another off me. We took pictures of each other, and decided to head on home. The sky was as blue as his eyes. We made our way to south of Dahlonega and pulled into the Chevron at Highway 9 and Aruia Rd. He bummed another smoke, and we just sat there shooting the ****** and watching traffic go by. We threw the helmets on, and he said to me before we headed off, "Thank ya babe! I sure enjoyed it!" I told him we'd do it again before it got to cold.. "To cold? Ain't you got a jacket? It's never to cold to ride!" I just grinned and nodded my head to him as I knew it wasn't worth the sake of argument to disagree. We lit off, and I pulled out of Chevron 1st, with him behind me. I was always ahead of him when we rode together. There was a comfort to me to be able to look in my mirror and see him back there. As we made our way south on Hwy 9, he suddenly shot past me on my left side. There was no reason for this. For a brief moment, I thought I'd pass him myself; how could I let a 76 year old guy get me like that? I didn't attempt it.. I just enjoyed the ride and watched him as we made our way south.. Then the accident happened. The car pulled out and He just couldn't avoid it. I locked down my back brake and felt my bike slide out to my right. I let off, and the bike righted itself and I rode the centerline down the side of the car that hit him.

After an assessment by EMS, he was transported to North Fulton ER. It was here when he suffered his 1st arrest. The ER didn't have a Heart-Lung bypass so he was life-flighted to Atlanta Medical Center. During the eight minute helicopter ride, he suffered yet another arrest. This one, as we would later find out, caused a massive amount of brain damage due to there being no oxygen in his blood. When he landed at AMC, he was dead on the pad. They brought him back after being down approx 140 seconds. He went straight to surgery where the torn descending aorta valve was repaired. Later, he'd have a stint placed and two surgeries on his neck. Doctors were very hopeful for a complete recovery, and things were reported to us in a very positive manner though we did have our ups and downs which seemed daily. As the eased him off the pain med's on about the 16th day, the noted that he wasn't responding like he should have. It was then evident to the Doc's the damage was severe. We'd later find out that when he was down the second time, the body used up the oxygen in his blood at a faster than normal rate due to the trauma he suffered. To be sure, we waited for a while to ensure there wasn't a mistake in what they found. There was no mistake.

On Monday the 7th, we decided as a family to remove him from the Ventilator. We were told he'd go quickly after that, but once again, he proved them wrong. He fought and fought until this afternoon. His final words to my at Mom at North Fulton was "What a beautiful day and for it to end like this." My Mom told him it was okay, and that she loved him as he was eased into a sleep from the pain meds. It was the last time he'd ever speak.

Dad, it was a beautiful day. And knowing that today, this day, you're with our Lord makes it even more beautiful. It was a beautiful day to have a last ride with you. I'm blessed that I was with you, and even though I saw the entire accident unfold right in front of me, it was a beautiful day.

That ride was my final ride. I'm happy it was with him.

It was a beautiful day

To keep with my Dad's final wishes, he'll be cremated and his remains will be flown to Australia this Friday for internment. Many of you know my Mom is an Aussie, and he wanted them to be together forever.

A Memorial Service will be held at a later date; probably after the Thanksgiving Holiday. Once I get the date and location down, I'll be sure to post it here.

Thanks for all the love and support you have provided Rhonda and I here on the forum, in emails and phone calls. We're so blessed to be part of such a supportive group.

Be sad for a day or two, but rejoice in the fact that we have a new angel watching over us!

My Mom wanted me to be sure to let you know she's holding her own just fine.

With so much love to you all,

Jim, Rhonda and Anna Grace Sheppard

Jim Sheppard Dahlonega, GA