Hey Everybody.. 1st, thanks to Rhonda for logging on here and updating as much as she has.. It's been just to hard for me to do it much..
My Dad is in very critical condition. He's stable, but very critical.
We had a meeting with some Doctors last Thursday afternoon. As it was explained to us, he has 5 major issues they are trying to address. As they work on one thing, something else comes up and then they work on that. While working on that, something else comes up and they work on that.. It's hard to explain really. Kind of like a leaking dam, once they plug one leak, another one pops up somewhere else. These 5 major problems are taxing my Dad. He can't have a 6th issue come up or it could be devastating. He's holding his own as it stands for now with all the medications. His back surgery has been postponed for now, and I'm not sure when they plan to address it. The most important thing obviously is to keep him alive, and thats what they're doing.
There really hasn't been any improvements or good news relayed to us by the medical staff in days. He's just holding steady for now, and I'm not sure whats next. We do have another meeting on Monday to cover whats happened this weekend. Once we have the meeting, I'll try to get on and post an update.
My Mom is holding her own fairly well. My brother and I are helping her with needs and taking her where ever she needs to go. I've told her about everyone wanting to know how she is, and she's very touched by everybody's concern.
Keep the prayers coming, they sure are helping!!