P.S Two days following my visits to the Bedouins, I got held up and the sh!t beaten out of me by a group of Touaregs ... but that's a story for another time.
It would be interesting if you had marked on the map where you caught your beat down.
Why, you thinking of passing through that way? (just kidding!)
It was in the border area just beyond Zagora (see circle) going into Algeria. The border was unmarked in those days (late '88) so I couldn't very much tell if I had crossed it but probably had. The Touaregs were apparently patrolling the area (there were many territorial disputes back then) and were pretty far from their normal settlements. The locals called them "pirates of the desert" as I later was told. I had already pretty much figured that out as they had taken my 2 cameras (one cheapo and one good one). It was one of the few times on my travels I have gotten into such a jam and have said (and believed it) that "Thanassis, this is your last day on this earth". Oh, and by the way, I was aiming for "Interstate nr 2 - " as marked on the map, which headed more or less due south.
Blessed are those eyes that have seen more roads than any man! (Homer).