i see the lounge as a kind of meeting place(corner bar) for friends or family if you will. i learned many yrs ago that there are 2 things you dont discuss in a bar...politics and religon. causes to many fights!!! this is a peacefull place with a lot of good bantor and with bantor sometimes comes hurt feelings to those that sometimes take things personal or serious. i also learned long ago... never take things to serious. everyone has an opinion and everyone has the right to theirs and sometimes its best to keep it to yourself. i would hate to see this place turn into some kind of pissin match over some political agenda or wheather there is a god. i enjoy listening to someone that is having an issue at home with a child or friend and the different responses to the solution or something that is going on someplace other than in my hometown and pics from around the world. this site wounldnt be the same without the open discussion in the lounge and that would be a sad thing. anyone that gets hurt feelings over something that was said about something to me is just silly we dont live next door to each other and we were all raised different from each other and have different ways of looking at things, to me that is how we broaden out way of thinking....by lisenting to others. I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!! and wouldnt have nothing to look forward to without it thank you to all the moderators for keeping everyone on the straight and narrow. I having the last name Newton have been called Newt or cookie all my life and when i signed up here i decided Newt would be best since lonesome dove i have used Newt more than cookie hahahahahaha