
Not sure if this has been a post before, but its always been of interest to me. I'd love to hear how you guys and gals came up with your screen name...I know there's a few who will have the standard answer "Duh its my name" (Robert? Chy? LarryShep?) but others will probably have an interesting story or anecdote about why they chose their handle. Pat? What the hecks a "Dinqua" haha. Gordo I can assum that Lynchphoto comes from the fact that you're a professional photographer by trade/career. Mike? Whats the MM part for? I've just often wondered over the years, seems like it might give me some insight into who you are as a person. Anyhow, it'd be interesting TO ME....

Oh yeah....my name "Tsalagi" (pronounced Sa lah gee) is ME. I'm an enrolled member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, we call ourselves Tsalagi Yuwiya, means "The People". I've read the "Cherokee" comes from a distorted Choctaw word, "chalaque" that meant "cave people". Very interesting......to me haha


That's interesting because the first thing I thought of when I saw your screen name was the Tsali Recreation Area where I mountain bike (well, I haven't been out there for a while). I didn't even notice your location was near it.