Just got a Go Pro Hero this last weekend. Been using an older Panasonic Mini DV video camera for the last 3 years. My bikes vibrations finally killed it this summer.
Mounted the GoPro on my handlebars and took off with my son for a 250 mile ride through the mountains. Still learning all the features. It's small and lightweight. Just 2 small buttons to push in different sequences to change video resolutions, set features, etc. Small LCD screen will take some getting used to. The outdoor ride video in bright light came out great. Filming some of granddaughters volleyball match came out okay. Wide angle settings have a definite curvature to the video. Playing with it indoors and low light, not so good, but maybe I just don't know how to work it yet. I miss having a telephoto lense.
They don't give them away. $470 @ Best Buy with extra battery/charger, LCD screen, tripod mount, 16g SD card and case.
I also plan on using it while snowmobiling. I think it will work fine.
I have the Midland XTC and love it!! I mount it to the handlebars as well as my helmet. The wind noise sucks on the helmet mount, but that is to be expected I guess.
2003 TBA Thunderbike pipes / floorboards / and the most uncomfortable seat known to man....
Barry aka: 8-Ball
Im a GoPro user and really like it. Its a tough little bugger, stable, great features and since its one of the most popular there are a lot of accessories for it. One of my faves is this one GoPro swivel. He doesn't have any listed right now but Im sure he's between production runs so you can just email him.
Here are some videos I have done with teh GoPro and using iMovie (video editing program that came on my Macbook). zmilin70 videos
SOLD: 07 Black BA, 39mm FCRs, TPUSA stage 1 head, TPUSA 813 cams, TPUSA 10.8:1 pistons, TTP #3 igniter, Specialty Spares Long Cannons, Tsukayu Hard Bags. 82HP/55tq
NEW: 19 Goldwing Tour DCT
I want one of them there Go Pro's on a swivel pretty bad.
I have no faith in human perfectability. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago.
Edgar Allan Poe
Soren I just got in a GoPro HD Motorsport Hero Motorcycle/Helmet Mount one, went with these because saw Bob and AmyLee's in Prescott and like what I saw, top quality. When I was asking around was told they do a better job video than the less dollar ones, less skipping and such.
They come with water proof case and mounts for helmet, bars etc. They have better lenses too.
I was just looking at this one on the shelf thinking I really need it. When I was out west this summer and trying to video with my hand held and almost rode into the Colorado River...didn't think a mounted camera was too expensive after that!
Quote: Would really like to see more comments on the sound quality/wind noise issues.
Wind noise is an issue period but Ill say the GoPro does a good job even with the wind noise. I have a partial clip of Brent and I heading towards a hill in SF on our way home from Prescott. The GoPro picked up my rant about a bad driver ahead of us, the sound of the bikes idling and revving before the battery died. I now have a power source on the bike for the GoPro.
The GoPro does not have an aux mic jack (I would expect future models may at some point as there has been some discussion about this feature or lack of).
If I get a chance Ill publish a clip with some road noise so you can hear it. May be a day or two (if I remember).
SOLD: 07 Black BA, 39mm FCRs, TPUSA stage 1 head, TPUSA 813 cams, TPUSA 10.8:1 pistons, TTP #3 igniter, Specialty Spares Long Cannons, Tsukayu Hard Bags. 82HP/55tq
NEW: 19 Goldwing Tour DCT
Ive had the HD max extreme which i got from Dogcam for the last year.. had problems with the first one but they exchanged it quickly and havent looked back since... Nice little camera which i took to greece in the summer and ended up with about 10 hours footage...qualitys not bad for a small camera, also bought an external mic and power supply which i ran off the bike... only thing is they said there was going to be a waterproof case coming out for it soon.... still waiting and windnoise is a bit of a problem.. Dave
I made a mount for my camera, fully adjustable and solid. As the camera sits behind the screen wind noise is kept to a minimum. I currently use my Lumix ZS3 for both stills and movies.
My girlfriend thinks I'm a stalker...
Well, she's not actually my girlfriend yet.
Hey Zdenko, it's been a while since I've been on here due to health reasons but I'm coming good hence the reason why I just bought a Contour gps.
I haven't used it properly yet but I'm going on a three day ride after new years so I should be able to see how it goes then.
The reason I liked the Contour GPS is, it automatically plots where you took the footage onto google maps. It also had some excellent write ups. Mind you, it doesn't have a zoom function like yours but I didn't think it would be that easy to use while riding anyway.
FYI, I got a bar mount for it and have already put it on my engine protection bars for starters so we'll see how the footage turns out from there. It also came with a sticky mount for my helmet so I can swap whenever I feel like it.
Anyway, it should be great fun seeing how if goes and also just getting on my speedy for a ride shouldn't be too bad either ha ha. So all going well I'll put some of the footage on here when I get back.