Here's the Solo with Pillion on my 2010. These seats are fantastic, and worth the price, IMHO. Well worth it.
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The seat is a TIGHT fit to the tank. Once they wear in, they're fine. I put some ClearBra on my tank so dirt that collects between the seat and the tank won't damage the tank's finish.
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I had Corbin do their logo in stitch on the RH side right next to the shock mount.
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It helps to keep the leather treated. I also purchased the rain hoods as I leave my bike outside while at work. It helps with the rain we get.
Great idea with the clearbra stuff i think i will look at doing something like that as well, well when the thing arrives i will post some pics of it as well.
2007 Speedmaster and miss it!
2013 T-Bird Storm and Luvin it!
Catching a yellow jacket in your shirt at 70 mph can double your vocabulary