imho the crux of the corbin syndrom is this: If your backside is larger than the saddle pan, the backrest insert will hurt you.
Corbin should take into account your height & weight when you order the saddle. But we have to ensure that this inquiry is done. I rode to the Corbin shop where I spoke to a rep. Not so much about height and weight, but the rep saw me and could tell how to stuff/shape the saddle.

Break'in? Ha! Mine is as hard as the day I got it. And I like it that way. The Corbin that came with Cinnamon Girl is a little softer. On the order of yota, my saddles each have two boney butt dimples! So you could say they did break in a bit.

Boiling this down, if you order a corbin saddle, please do not do so without talking to a representative about your physique. They will customize the saddle for your particular needs.

Blowing gravel off rural roads