Gents & Ladies:
I'm a bit sad to report that I sold my America to a fine gentleman from the Pittsburgh area. I've been mulling over selling it and perhaps getting another vintage restored bike, or maybe an MGB. I've mentioned my wife quit riding two years ago, and I bought the bike with the intent that we would ride together. Since she quit riding my heart just wasn't in it as much.

I listed it on Craigslist a month ago and had a few nibbles. I also had a "For Sale" sign on it at the British MC Classic Day in May. When the buyer called on Friday and again yesterday morning to confirm he was making the 3 hour trip, it was pretty tough. I almost called him halfway through his trip and called the whole thing off. He turned out to be a terrific guy, connected with the Pittsburgh Fire Department. It appears he'll take good care of the bike and promised to check out this site.

Don't feel too sad for me as I still have my '66 Chopper but I definitely can't hop on that and take an hour ride up the road. But, the empty spot in the garage looks cavernous!
The folks here have been nothing but the best and it has been a supreme pleasure to have known and shared the road with you.

PS: The new owner didn't take the Memphis Shades windshield or Break-Away cruise control. I'll list those in the classifieds shortly.

Thanks, God Bless and Ride Safe!
