Quote: I've mentioned elsewhere that my BFCG (Best Friend Charlie G.) has a Sportster and now I want to see if I can ride it again, because I don't recall the vibration/noise/etc to be all that bad. I rather enjoyed riding it. Of course, if you've read my other posts here, you'll know I'm a total greenhorn when it comes to riding motorcycles, so maybe I just didn't know any better. It was also some 3 years ago. I do know it's stock except for rear shocks and some aesthetic pieces like a logo'd gas cap, though after hearing the pipes on my BA he has plans to change his pipes... it's just gonna cost him $$$ because his bike is EFI.
Anyway, TrOjAn, even though I'm a noob and think everyone should ride what makes them happy, I'm glad you're staying with the Speedie for a while longer.
A little update... (and y'all thought this thread was dead.)
BFCG got his exhaust done and met me at work for a short ride the other day. On the way he motioned me to pull over and we swapped bikes for a couple miles. His first comment was he felt like he was getting on a beach cruiser (due to how wide the BA bars are compared to his). The first thing I noticed on his was that his seat cushioning was very compressed and not very comfy. He's put a lot of miles on the bike though, so it's to be expected. So we took off and the second thing I noticed was that I had to release the clutch almost all the way before reaching the friction zone. Not necessarily bad, just different. Now to speak of vibration... egads! Let's just say I was glad to get back on my own bike. I will also mention it was sweet to see my BA cruising down the street.
For what it's worth, BFCG was just as happy to get back on his Sporty.