
Yep i getcha. Unfortunately, you don't know if I'm serious or not, and vice versa. the words on a page are always literal and emotionless, even if you throw in a few smiley faces.

Absolutely untrue. When you get to know someone even on line, you can tell when one is serious or not. The smileys "emoticons" also give insight to the mood. Almost as you are looking at a real face. That is the point. You see John a few posts back ripping on me. There is a whole history on that very joke and its funny to anyone who reads it and knows me, and the Good Friar. As he mentioned even our bikes are targets for being picked on. Ask him about those snappy bags he use to sport around on his bike or Ian about chain lube, Me about helmets, and Hell Dwight about being a grammer school English teacher.
My point being truely you gotta lighten up.

I have no faith in human perfectability. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago. Edgar Allan Poe