Meh. Chad pretty much nailed it (never thought I'd type THOSE words--I kid! I kid!).

This is a site for Triumph Americas and Speedmasters. Everything else is fair game. Hell, OUR bikes are fair game. But just consider that we are fans of these bikes, bikes that are for all intents and purposes the red-headed stepchild of the Triumph line. But we never turn anyone away for not owning one of these two bikes, so long as they play by the rules. Harley is the big dog, certainly of the cruiser market, and the vast majority of them thing their ******, or more accurately, their bike's ******, don't stink. It just ain't the case. And the VAST majority can't work on their own bikes and keep them running "trouble free." Nothing anyone has said here (no, I'm not going to reread everything to check) is inaccurate, only exaggerated for comic effect. For most of us it's a friendly rivalry.

So deal. Caretaker | Friarsride |