
Well took the Speedie out to the cruiser dealers 2 hours ago, went in and grabbed the Sportster keys, fired her up and on I jumped.

Went about 100 yards and thought.. god do I really want to take this down to the dual carriageway for a blast?

In short... NO, turned around and returned to the shop, dismounted, said sorry to my Triumph and left.

Without upsetting Harley owners but HTF do you put up with that!! Reckon the wife would have divorced me if I came home with that.. vibrations (she may like that bit ) noise, uncomfortable... I now understand the posts above..

Think Ill be staying with the speedie now I know what other options there are.. I just need to fix the rev meter and alarm and I should be good for another year or so

Thanks to all that replied, some a bit abrupt but then, I like that because they feel HONEST answers, sometimes it takes a bit of rudeness to get through the grey matter..

Thanks again, no doubt will be asking for help soon on the 2 remaining issues..

Better to find out she's a b**** while you're just dating than to suffer through an ugly divorce later.