
I guess in reality its all objective, and everyone has to go by their own experience. It's like saying Ford is more dependable than Chevy, But if you owned 5 Silverados and 5 F150's you might have a different opinion than if you only had owned 1 F150. But I think telling someone to grow up is a little overboard, cuz in my opinion constant bashing of what other people like and saying MINES BETTER is also a form of dickwagging.

Not really since I have owned both and the Chevys I had were far more dependable and handled better when loaded. I don't want to start a Ford vs. Chevy discussion here so I won't say anymore about it. Just want to say it is like you said, it depends on your personal experience. I used to ride with a guy who had an AMF Shovel that he rebuilt and he had a 1950 EL Pan and both were very dependable bikes. We rode all over together on them and me on my 66 TR6C.

I learned all I need to know about life by killing smart people and eating their brains.
Eat right ,Exercise ,Stay fit, Die Anyway!