there aint a hd out there that can out handle either of my Triumphs and my prefire hasnt ever been outrun by any hd if i was wanting more, i would get me a T-Bird and then laugh at all my hd friends as they try to catch me on flat ground OR in the twisties. so to anybody, be they friend or family, that tells me that they are gonna buy a hd i always chuckle inside thinking "another one sucked in by the hype" and sucks to be them. anybody sez that they are thinking about buying a hd, i always say "ah grasshopper have you noticed how green the grass is over the septic tank" "life is full of options and decisions and sometimes we make the wrong choice and when that happens we learn" BUT, if we keep making the same wrong choices and dont learn than i can only conclude that we have an insanity problem.