

Jeezus, grow up. What happens when you get an identical Sportster and he still beats you because he can ride better? When does the dickwagging contest end? Just get a Rocket III Roadster and be done with it.

I didn't know you were allowed to say dickwagging on here.

Seriously though, leave the guy alone, everyone is different (except me) we all make our own decisions for what ever reasons and no-one should force thier opinions onto other people. I personally like Harleys too. Go for it I say and stay around cause I wanna see pics. You might have to incorporate the cost of a ute{pick-up} in your calculations though hehehe only kidding mate.

Hey, he started it. He didn't have to come on here and make some grand proclamation about leaving. His logic seemed faulty and when pressed he "fessed up" and revealed rather specious reasoning involving the comparison of his junk with his friend's junk. If he merely wanted a faster bike, well there are TONS of those available. As much as people want to deny it, our bikes are real small, at least in displacement. He can do whatever he wants, for whatever reason he wants, but if he's going to air it out here we are also free to call bull.

Years ago I drag raced a buddy down main street in Red Lodge, MT. I'm amazed we didn't get busted. What did he ride? A Honda VTX 1300 (not even the 1800) and he seriously toasted me. Did I run out and buy a 1300cc bike? No, I laughed my ass off because for the vastly disparate engine sizes I gave him a run. And the next day when we rode up Beartooth Pass I crushed him. Any idiot can go fast in a straight line. No thanks.

(Yes I still want a Rocket III, so what? I'm not getting rid of my TBA, ever.)

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