Hmm. I don't have a problem moving to a harley, but to out gun the triumph? I'm not getting outgunned by any of the ones I ride with and that includes a buddy's modded 1200. Maybe they have sponge feet, but they have a hard time keeping up with me till we get to some really high numbers. Then the big bores start to earn their money. But how much time can you spend at those speeds. I mean, I do have to wind her up a bit on the take off, but noooo prob.

To me Harley's are works of art. I think they lookand sound really great. And some probably ride great as well. But how many harley riders do you pass that have THAT grin. You know the one I'm talkin about.

Pacific Blue/White 2009 America in the TX Hill Country Not all that glitters is gold. Tolkien. Hmm Must've seen the chrome on my TA coming down the road.