I don't think harley is going to give ya what you are looking for either then. I don't have a 904 but still out perform most of the Harleys I run against. My only mods are carbs rebuilt and open exhaust.
Horsepower (bhp) 54. Torque (Ft Lbs) 51 at 490 lbs. Wieght to hp ratio is 1 : 9.1 for the stock TBA.
904cc - 70 - 78 HP. 62 - 66 ft. lbs* bike wieghs 490 lbs. that is 1 : 6.3 hp to wieght ratio
1450 twin cam 95 HP. Torque (Ft Lbs) 92 bike wieghs 639.3 pounds that is 1 : 6.7 hp to wieght ratio> This is for a dyna glide which has the best wieght to hp ratio of all Harleys.
Last edited by locopony; 04/12/20112:26 PM.
I have no faith in human perfectability. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago.
Edgar Allan Poe