on Friday we took a memorial ride friday.....for DEON & POPCORN lost members from the NorEast Rally...and this site.
now this is where I really wish I had the had the writing skills of Deon he could really tell a story..and put it in word..so that not only did you understand it but you felt as if you were right their...I wanted to remember these two members.. but also do it in a way that did not show to much fuss..these where good men who like things simple..especially Don who did a lot good things for people but wanted no recognition for it....

so any way me and pat picked a spot that we have never been to before with a view that lets us know every day how lucky we are to be here ..and to remember don't put things off ..you may not be here next year!!!!!

than we set off two Sky Lanterns one for popcorn and one for Deon I put a BA.com patch on for Deon ..that he had donated as a prize at the last NorEast rally that he came to and I won it.. so I thought it was right that it went it's last bike ride .. and than to be remember for the man

and now the vid of it..I hope every one likes it and I wanted to remember these two B.A.com members.. in a special but simple way that showed respect ..and that life is short ..so don't wait till next year ..or till the weather is just right..because it may never be ..and you may not be here year...SO GRAB LIFE WHEN YOU CAN!!!!!

web page

Ed & Vicki Smith

Thanks one and all

2013 NOREAST RALLY INFO>http://noreast.webs.com/