Hope Kenny & Uncle Charlie are OK. Kenny is a couple miles off the coast and Charlie is right on the coast and lives literally on the water. Both are supposed to be in the 100 MPH wind zone and it's doubtful either have power. Hope they and everyone else in Irene's path makes out OK.
I'm 100 miles inland in the foothills called "The Berkshires" and we got 4 & 1/2" of rain in just 12 hours with another 5 or 6" of rain to come. The wind is supposed to start here anytime at 40 to 50 with 70 MPH gusts. I spent some time yesterday lashing down the outdoor stuff, so hopefully it won't go skippin' through a window. Oh to have a spare $15 or $20K or more for a whole house Onan or similar quality diesel gen set... Put that one on the powerball to-do list. Got plenty of camping gear and around 100 lbs of ice in the house, with two Sunday papers and an audiobook copy of "Mayflower" on the pod player. Both grand children are here so not a lot of reading going on at the moment.