Moe, to say the least, we of a population of 3,300 were a might surprised to first hear the song. Canaan is generally looked down upon by the neighboring towns for we have a great deal of industry here, including 4 or 5 active limestone quarries and a Becton Dickinson (aka BD) plant that puts out around 23 millions syringes a week. The neighboring towns support NYC weekend tourists instead. We are known as "The factory town," 'cept, Carole King didn't' write a song about them.
what time do you plan to meet at the pilot TS?
I'm thinking 10 am at the Pilot if that works for you and uncle charlie. It's 4 & 1/2 hours (non-stop) from there to Stony Brook. That should put us there by around 4:30? Probably gets dark there around 7:30 with the trees and all. I'm OK with earlier than 10 too. I'm taking 1/2 of Wednesday off to pack and such.
Kenny, Charlie, & Bucky - There's a geezer parade if ever I saw one. Might better get us a chase bam-bulance?