Haven't posted in a while, so here goes.......

Born in Chicago in 67. My dad was a Chicago cop at the time. Stayed there until he got a Police Chief job in Wisconsin in 83. I was dragged kicking and screaming from the big city and moved to LaCrosse, Wi. In 85 I left there to be an Army Aviator. I got to travel all around the world and see some really cool places. In 93 when they decided to retire my aircraft, (OV-1 Mohawk) I decided to pull the pin and get out. I landed a job in Sheboygan, Wi right out of the army flying for an aerial mapping and engineering firm. A couple years later, I was finally sick of flying for a living so I applied at the local Sheriffs Department for a job and have been there for the past 15 years. Now I'm too old and stupid to start over so I guess I'm just stuck where I'm at.

Picked up my Trusty 03 BA 5 years ago from a buddy at work. She had 3000 miles on her at the time. It's my 1st bike. I love her to death but I STILL haven't found a seat that doesn't hurt my ass after 30 miles!!! And I have tried them all. At this point I think it's the rider......not the seat that has the problem.......

2003 TBA Thunderbike pipes / floorboards / and the most uncomfortable seat known to man.... Barry aka: 8-Ball