I was born and raised in Forrestfield Western Australia and moved to Kalamunda in 63. This is part of the Darling Ranges about 25k from Perth our capital.
When I finished my apprentership in 76 I rode my 650 Yamaha to Kalgoorlie to work and ended up staying there for 12 years , bought a house and got married.
Before I settled down my wife and I travelled to Queensland and Northern Teritory in a V8 Ford ute and came home to Kalgoorlie from Alice Springs via the Gunbarrel Hwy.
After sleeping under the stars and buttering up vegimite sandwiches on the bonnet of the Ford for 3 months we were inseperable.
Before we started our family we went on the road for 6 weeks on my 1200 Superglide to South Aust. and up to Mildura then Melb via Bendigo Castlemaine and Ballarat. We also slipped over to Tassie for a week. That was 30 years ago.
We now live just out of Collie , have 3 great kids , chooks , 5 sheep , a black labrador due to have pups in about 2 weeks and a budgie. Two eldest kids no longer at home but on good terms . Married 32 years.
I have been riding since 1972 and now own a 2007 Speedmistress (15 months) , 83 K100 BMW (5years) 72 Honda 750 (16 years) 1928 BSA (12 months)
I have been collecting vinyl records for many years and have become involved our local community radio , this is voluntary but I get paid with the pleasure I get from sending out the music to the people who are my audience.
My show which I've done nearly every Friday night from 8.00 to 11.00 for 3 years is called RIXMIX and It has become a big part of my life